ALNAP is delighted to launch the ‘Evaluation of Humanitarian Action’ theme page in partnership with BetterEvaluation.
We hope that this page will serve as a useful directory for evaluators and commissioners alike who are looking for guidance a
Amelie Sundberg

Contributed by this member
- This guide helps evaluation managers to commission and oversee, and team leaders to conduct, Real-time evaluations (RTEs) of humanitarian operational responses.
- This companion to the ALNAP EHA Guide offers protection-specific insights for evaluations and evaluation commissioners across the humanitarian sector.
- This comprehensive guide covers all steps of the evaluation process while providing real-life examples, practical tips, definitions and step-by-step advice. This guide is available in English, Français and Español.
- This 3ie working paper examines the extent to which impact evaluation methods can provide evidence to help improve the effectiveness and efficiency in humanitarian action.
- In this review, Action Against Hunger (ACF) looks at responses from 15 agencies on their intentions for evaluation and the data that they are collecting.
- This guide provides practical support on how to use the OECD Development Assistance Committee (OECD/DAC) criteria in evaluation of humanitarian action (EHA).
- Different types of evaluation are used in humanitarian action for different purposes, including rapid internal reviews to improve implementation in real time and discrete external evaluations intended to draw out lessons learned with the broader aim of improving policy and practice, and enhancing accountability.