Renewal and Confluence: Navigating the Future of Evaluation
The 2024 National Conference is an opportunity to come together to renew, where ideas will flow and contribute to collective progress (confluence).
Calling all evaluation professionals! Join us for the Canadian Evaluation Society's National Conference, where we explore the theme of "Renewal and Confluence: Navigating the Future of Evaluation."
Why You Need to be at C2024
The 2024 National Conference is a unique opportunity for evaluation professionals from all types of organizations and backgrounds to immerse themselves in the cutting-edge world of evaluation. This event is a hub for sharing best practices, exploring emerging trends and gaining fresh perspectives on the ever-evolving field of evaluation. Register now and be part of a transformative experience in the heart of New Brunswick's charming capital city!
Conference Program
Explore the detailed schedule for our upcoming National Conference to plan your experience and make the most out of every session.