
Country capacity strengthening: evaluating the change | EvalXchange 2024 session 2

Event organiser:
World Food Program (WFP)
Start date:
End date:
Time zone:
Central European Time (CET)

The commitments to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognise the need to support national capacities for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. For WFP this means supporting governments to reach more food insecure people through strengthening the transformative capacities of individuals, public institutions and civil society. However, evaluating the contribution to change (outcome) as a result of capacity-strengthening interventions presents various evaluability challenges. Building on last year’s EvalXchange session, this year's session digs deeper into concrete evaluation methodologies that can mitigate the evaluability challenges. It tackles questions such as: What were the challenges with evaluating contribution to change in your concrete case? What was your approach? What qualitative methods did you use for data collection and analysis? And did it lead to credible findings?

Register for Country capacity strengthening: evaluating the change

About WFP EvalXchange

WFP EvalXchange returns for its fourth edition.

Brought to you by the Office of Evaluation of the United Nations World Food Programme, the series of virtual learning events unites knowledge from WFP evaluations and those of partners, creating a space for participants to learn, share experiences and improve the practice of evaluation in the context of the 2030 Agenda and the UN Reform.

This year, the series will deep dive into evaluation methods, challenges and solutions on topics ranging from evaluation in constrained conditions, to country capacity strengthening, and integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment in evaluation.

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