
Browse upcoming events submitted by the BetterEvaluation community below, or find Past Events here.

Do you have an evaluation event to share? Post your event with us.

Events are listed as a service to the evaluation community, and are not necessarily endorsed by BetterEvaluation.

  • Webinar
    Start date:
    Mode: Online
    Event organiser: USAID-funded MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator (MKA) project and USAID-funded Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU) program

    Did you know that the Complexity-Aware Monitoring (CAM) Guide is one of THE MOST downloaded resources on the MOMENTUM website? If you’re wondering why so many people find it useful, join us on July 31st from 9:00 - 10:00 AM EDT to learn all about it!

  • Conference
    Start date:
    Mode: Hybrid
    Country: China
    City: Shanghai
    Event organiser: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

    Save the date for Asian Evaluation Week 2024: Innovations for Influential Evaluation.

  • Conference
    Start date:
    Mode: In person
    Country: Czechia
    City: Prague
    Event organiser: Global Evidence Summit

    The Global Evidence Summit 2024 aims to provide a multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural platform, which provides the opportunity for delegates and speakers to exchange ideas about how best to produce, summarise and disseminate evidence to inform policy and practice and use that evidence to improve people’s lives across the world.

  • Conference
    Start date:
    Mode: In person
    Country: Australia
    City: Melbourne / Naarm
    Event organiser: Australian Evaluation Society

    Conference theme: Wayfinding

  • Conference
    Start date:
    Mode: In person
    Country: Germany
    City: Potsdam
    Event organiser: DeGEval

    Save the Date

    Theme: Transdisciplinarity: Impulses for and through evaluation!?


  • Conference
    Start date:
    Mode: In person
    Country: Italy
    City: Rimini
    Event organiser: European Evaluation Society (EES)

    The world is in a state of polycrisis, facing urgent challenges like environmental degradation, social injustice, and economic instability. These complex issues require new approaches beyond siloed, linear thinking. Collaboration across disciplines, sectors, and perspectives is essential to develop innovative, inclusive solutions.

  • Conference
    Start date:
    Mode: In person
    Country: South Africa
    City: Johannesburg
    Event organiser: SAMEA

    Abstract submissions close on 20 May 2024, and workshop proposals close on 17 May 2024.

  • Conference
    Start date:
    Mode: In person
    Country: China
    City: Beijing
    Event organiser: GEI, UNDP-IEO, CIDCA

    Call for abstracts is now open - Submit a proposal

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim for a better world by 2030 and seek to end poverty, fight inequality, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. The implementation of the SDGs can be accelerated globally through evaluation as a powerful tool that improves public accountability and contributes to positive development change.

  • Conference
    Start date:
    Mode: In person
    Country: United States of America
    City: Portland, OR
    Event organiser: American Evaluation Association (AEA)

    The lack of engagement of new and emerging perspectives in the evaluation field threatens diversity, sustainability, and the evolution of evaluation. At Evaluation 2024, we want to uplift these voices and encourage evaluators at all stages in their careers to bring forth new ideas, practices, and creative approaches to evaluation.

    The future is now. The next generation of evaluators are here, and their perspectives are vital to our success.

  • Conference
    Start date:
    Mode: In person
    Country: United States of America
    City: National Harbor, MD
    Event organiser: Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM)

    As the 46th annual meeting, the 2024 APPAM Fall Research Conference will be a multi-disciplinary research conference attracting the highest quality research on a wide variety of important current and emerging policy and management issues. The conference is comprised of panels, roundtables, posters, student research and resource sessions, workshops, community gatherings, and special events and is designed to encourage substantive interaction among participants.

    Conference theme

    Policymaking at the Federal, State, and Local Levels