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  • Review evaluation quality

    Evaluating the quality of an evaluation can be done before it begins (reviewing the plan) or during or after the evaluation (reviewing the evaluation products or processes). This is sometimes called a quality review or meta-evaluation.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Develop agreed key evaluation questions

    Evaluation, by definition, must answer truly evaluative questions: it must ask not only ‘What were the results?’ (a descriptive question) but also ‘How good were the results?’ (an evaluative question). Depending on the type of evaluation, causal...
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Élaborer les principales questions d’évaluation convenues

    L’évaluation, par définition, doit répondre à des questions vraiment évaluatives : elle doit non seulement demander « Quels ont été les résultats? » (une question descriptive), mais également « À quel point les résultats ont-ils été bons? » (une question...
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Combine qualitative and quantitative data

    Combine qualitative data (text, images) and quantitative data (numbers) to improve the quality of findings.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Section sur la théorie du changement

    La présente section explique comment et pourquoi vous pourriez utiliser une théorie du changement au moment de mettre en oeuvre et de gérer une évaluation.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Describe the theory of change

    This section explains how and why you might use a theory of change when commissioning and managing an evaluation. It explains options for how it will be developed or revised, how it will be represented, and how it will be used. 
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Reporting

    The evaluation reports should include relevant and comprehensive information structured in a manner that facilitates its use but also provide transparency in terms of the methods used and the evidence obtained to substantiate the conclusions and...
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Guider la production de rapports de qualité

    L’évaluation, par définition, répond à des questions évaluatives, c’est-à-dire des questions concernant la « qualité » (à quel point quelque chose est bon) et la « valeur » (en tenant compte de la situation particulière, comme les ressources utilisées...
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Prepare the contract

    Your organization probably has standard requirements and templates for consulting contracts.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Préparer le contrat

    Votre organisation possède probablement des exigences courantes et des modèles pour les contrats des experts-conseils
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Engage team

    Evaluations can be conducted by in-house staff (internal) or a third party (external) or a mix of both. Advertising the Terms of Reference (ToR) / Request for Proposal (RFP) is the first step in engaging external evaluators but other important issues need...
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Engager l’équipe d’évaluation

    Une fois que la décision de faire appel à des évaluateurs externes est prise, il faut prévoir suffisamment de temps pour procéder à leur embauche.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Support the use of evaluation findings

    Following up on the organisation’s response to evaluation findings is an essential part of supporting use. This is often a management responsibility but it is recommended to build time into the evaluation plan and budget for the evaluator(s) to...
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Appuyer l’utilisation des constatations de l’évaluation

    Le suivi de la réponse de l’organisation aux constatations de l’évaluation est un élément essentiel pour appuyer l’utilisation.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Archive the evaluation report and data (if appropriate)

    There are benefits of an archive of evaluation data and/or reports in the way they can be used.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Archiver le rapport d’évaluation et les données (s’il y a lieu)

    L’avantage d’avoir une archive des données d’évaluation et des rapports est qu’elle peut être utilisée
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Exercises and resources: Why work in evaluation

    Explore how evaluators think by trying out exercises that guide you through evaluating your recent decisions and discovering how evaluation aligns with your interests—complete with additional resources for deeper learning.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Evaluation myths and misconceptions

    Evaluation can sometimes seem intimidating due to common misconceptions about its complexity, purpose, and cost.
    Evaluation career guide
  • What a career in evaluation looks like

    There is no one way to start a career in evaluation. This flexibility means you can shape your career around your passions and interests, entering the field from various directions and finding the path that suits you best.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Develop theory of change / programme theory

    A programme theory or theory of change (TOC) explains how an intervention (a project, a programme, a policy, a strategy) is understood to contribute to a chain of results that produce the intended or actual impacts.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Different options and ideas about careers in evaluation

    All career pathways are valuable and can offer rewarding careers. The specific aspects of a career in evaluation that you choose should be based on your specific interests, values, and circumstances.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Exercises and resources: What I need to know to work in evaluation

    Enhance your career by mastering evaluation competencies through self-assessment, identifying your strengths and weaknesses, and creating an actionable plan to improve.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Navigating the starting points

    With the variety of roles, types of organizations, and sectors where evaluation is used, it is no wonder that people come into the field of evaluation through different entry points!
    Evaluation career guide
  • Exercises and resources: What a career in evaluation looks like

    Find the evaluation career path that suits you by taking the "What type of evaluator are you?" test, identifying roles and organisations that align with your results, and exploring helpful resources for your professional growth.
    Evaluation career guide
  • What I need to know to work in evaluation

    With new knowledge and methodologies being developed constantly, continuous learning is an inherent—and exciting—part of working in evaluation.
    Evaluation career guide
  • How to advance your career in evaluation

    Building a successful career in evaluation involves continuously strengthening your skills, expanding your networks, and gaining hands-on experience.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Getting hands-on experience

    Experience in real-world situations will help you solidify your knowledge and competencies while learning from others.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Evaluation can make a difference

    Evaluation can make a real difference in addressing global challenges. It helps identify what’s working, what needs to change, and how decisions can be improved based on evidence.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Deep dive into different roles

    Understanding the different types of roles in evaluation is key to navigating the field and finding the right fit for your interests.
    Evaluation career guide
  • The evaluation eco-system

    There are many different types of organisations, individuals, and systems involved in the practice and use of evaluation.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Key aspects of evaluation

    Evaluation can seem complicated at first, but understanding some key aspects will help you feel more confident and get the most out of your experiences.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Types of roles in evaluation

    Evaluation offers a wide range of roles across different sectors, from conducting evaluations to managing systems and supporting capacity development.
    Evaluation career guide