Expert review for meta-evaluation

Peer review; expert review

An expert review involves experts reviewing the evaluation, drawing in part on their expertise and experience of the particular type of program or project.

There may be people who hold special knowledge about your collaborative or the issue it has formed to address. Inviting these "experts" to review the performance of your collaborative can provide useful answers to many evaluation questions. Such experts could be key stakeholders of the collaborative, people involved in similar collaborative initiatives in another community, or educators from a local school or university.

Adequate preparation for an expert review is paramount. As you plan for an expert review, consider the following:

  • WHO is best qualified to evaluate the collaborative? Who will be seen as credible? How many will be included?
  • WHEN will the "experts" review the collaborative's work? How long will the review take? What date are most appropriate?
  • WHAT will the "experts" be expected to look at? What questions might they answer?" (Taylor-Powell, Rossing, et al., 1998)


Taylor-Powell, E., B. Rossing, et al. (1998). Evaluating Collaboratives: Reaching the potential. Program Development and Evaluation. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Extension: 190.

Fish Viewing Photo by Tan Heok Hui via  N. Sivasothi, Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore.

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