Fellow is a category of membership of an association or society, often awarded to an individual based on their contributions to evaluation.
Such contributions include evaluation teaching, research and practice, and the individual’s contributions to the society, primarily in relation to its aims and operations.
Australasian Evaluation Society (AES)
The membership category of Fellows was created in 2003 with 6 people recognised in its inaugural year and a total of 18 current Fellows since then, including one emeritus. Fellows may use the honorific FAES after their name. The Fellows Policy of the AES sets out details of the purposes and processes for fellows.
The Canadian Evaluation Society (CES):
The CES provides a useful example of clearly communicating the values and behaviours the Society wants to promote. The CES created the fellow category of membership, the Canadian Evaluation Society Fellowship (The Fellowship), in 2002. Fellows are nominated confidentially by members and the winners are announced at the annual conference. Fellows may use the honorific FCES after their name.
Description of the purpose and roles of the CES Fellows membership
The Canadian Evaluation Society Fellowship recognises lifetime achievements, service and prominence in evaluation. In addition, the Fellowship assists the CES by:
Providing advice to CES National Council at the request of Council;
Advocating on behalf of evaluation, the profession and the CES;
Representing the CES when requested by CES Council;
Reporting to Council in a timely manner for National meetings and the Annual Report.
Source: CES Website
After a large number of Fellows were announced in 2003, there have been generally 0-2 Fellows announced each year.
International Association for Public Participation (IAP2):
IAP2 provides a useful example of using identified champions to advocate for the association and for the professional area, and to create information materials. It has identified 28 ‘ambassadors' (archived link) who “are leaders in the field of public participation. Ambassadors have been practicing community and stakeholder engagement for more than 7 years, some more than 20, across Australia and New Zealand. All have had a long association with IAP2 and have volunteered in some capacity to help advance the practice of public participation across Australasia.” The ambassadors are listed on the website with a profile paragraph. A number of them are also listed on the website as available to ‘to speak and facilitate to support the promotion of engagement practice and IAP2 principles”. Four videos of webinars are on the site, presented by ambassadors.
Australian College of Educators (ACE):
ACE’s Fellows program (archived link) provides a useful example of clearly communicating the values and behaviours the Society wants to promote. Individuals may self-nominate to be a fellow but need to provide evidence of outstanding professional and ethical practice over time and outstanding contribution to the profession above and beyond current and recent positions and formal duties. Recipients may add the honorific FACE after their name. Fellows are announced at the annual conference and listed on the website. This includes a one-paragraph summary of their achievements that have warranted the selection.
Example of citation for Fellow of the Australian College of Educators
Mrs Tamara Sullivan, FACE
Tamara Sullivan is the Dean of E-Learning at Ormiston College and facilitates the College's directions in 21st Century teaching and learning. She understands the new and changing demands of the teaching profession and believes that building capacity is the cornerstone of a contemporary school. She is an innovator who leads e-learning, blended learning, curriculum development and the meaningful use of technology across the profession. She is a well-known member of the global educational community who regularly conducts keynote addresses, professional development workshops and online webinars.
Advice for using this method
Evaluation societies and associations should ensure that the announcement of Fellows includes a clear statement of why the individual is being recognized – emphasizing links to relevant codes of conduct, competencies, and activities.
Evaluation associations and societies should aim to use Fellows strategically (such as for convening conference sessions around identified priority challenges, reviewing journal articles, providing expert advice around recurrent issues, coaching or mentoring), and make them more visible on the website.
Peersman G. and Rogers, P. (2017). Pathways to advance professionalisation within the context of the Australasian Evaluation Society. Melbourne: ANZSOG / BetterEvaluation. Retrieved from: https://www.betterevaluation.org/en/resources/pathways-advance-professionalisation-within-context-aes
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