Learning partnerships involve structured processes over several years to support learning between a defined number of organisations working on similar programs, usually facilitated by a third party organisation.
The MasterCard Foundation:
The MasterCard Foundation: Savings Portfolio Learning Partnership is a six-year initiative to support learning among programs funded under the Foundation’s savings sector portfolio through increased alignment and effectiveness of monitoring and evaluation, and through the generation, synthesis, curation and dissemination of knowledge. The organisation engaged as the learning partner develops and maintains a dynamic learning framework, synthesises and aggregates learning across the portfolio and sector, conducts or manages complementary research and facilitates learning and knowledge sharing with key audiences.
Peersman, G. and Rogers, P. (2017). Pathways to advance professionalisation within the context of the Australasian Evaluation Society. Melbourne: ANZSOG/BetterEvaluation. Retrieved from: https://www.betterevaluation.org/en/resources/pathways-advance-professio...
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'Learning partnerships' is referenced in:
- National M&E Systems :
- Rainbow Framework :