NGOs can play various roles in a national M&E system – such as sitting on evaluation steering committees or being involved in the selection of evaluations for evaluation plans/agendas. NGOs might also play an active role in requiring evidence from the government about ex-post results and ex-ante policy choices. NGOs and CSOs might also share evidence with the government about programs that have worked and advocate for scale-ups.
In Costa Rica, CSOs sit on the National Evaluation Platform, which guides the evaluation system. In South Africa, CSOs often sit on evaluation steering committees on issues in which they have a stake – for example, farmers' associations or where they can offer knowledge or expertise, such as think tanks.
Global Evaluation Initiative (2022). MESA Guidance Note: Diagnostic Tool for a Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis. Retrieved from
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'NGOs and civil society organisations' is referenced in:
- National M&E Systems :