Phrasenets are useful for exploring how words are linked in a text and, like word clouds and word trees, can be informative for early data analysis.
The connections between words are usually displayed as arrows where their directionality and width communicate the flow and strength of connected words, while the size of the text represents word frequency within the text.
Words can be linked with various connectors such as “and,” “the,” “at,” space, or a custom connection term.
Here are two examples of phrase nets created using Many Eyes. The text is from interview transcripts of individuals discussing their experience with homelessness. (Sisters Of The Road, 2002).
Words separated by the keyword "and"

Source: Sisters Of The Road, 2002
Words that directly follow one another

Source: Sisters of the Road, 2002
van Ham, F., Wattenberg, M., & Viégas, F. (2009). Mapping text with phrase nets. IEEE Transactions on Visualizations and Computer Graphics, 15(6):1169-1176.
Sisters Of The Road. (2002). Voices of Homelessness: a qualitative database from sisters of the road. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from http://www.sistersoftheroad.org/voices/ (archived link)
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'Phrase net' is referenced in:
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