Plain English is a clear and concise writing style that ensures accessibility to the information for all stakeholders.
The key to writing in plain English is to ensure your document contains a clear expression, a structure that is effective and a document design that suits the context and purpose.
General tips for writing in Plain English include:
- Use simple words: Choose common, everyday words over complex or technical ones. For example, use "buy" instead of "purchase" or "help" instead of "assist."
- Keep sentences short: Aim for sentences that are around 15-20 words long. Break up longer sentences to make them easier to read.
- Avoid jargon: Steer clear of industry-specific jargon or acronyms unless you're sure your audience understands them. If you must use them, provide explanations.
- Use the active voice: Write in the active voice to make your sentences clearer and more direct. For example, "The committee approved the plan" is better than "The plan was approved by the committee."
- Be concise: Remove unnecessary words. For example, instead of saying "in order to," just say "to."
- Use bullets or lists: When presenting multiple points, use bullet points or lists to break up the text and make it easier to scan.
- Use clear structure: Organise your writing with clear headings, subheadings, and paragraphs to guide the reader through your text.
- Use examples: Provide examples to clarify complex ideas or concepts.
- Be specific: Avoid vague language. Be specific about what you mean.
- Test your writing: Read your writing out loud or have someone else read it to check if it's clear and easy to understand.
Plain English Foundation. (2012). Plain english foundation. Retrieved from
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'Plain language' is referenced in:
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