
  • Présentation des stratégies d'attribution causale

    L’un des éléments essentiels d’une évaluation d’impact est qu’il ne s’agit pas seulement de mesurer ou de décrire les changements survenus, mais également de comprendre le rôle joué par certaines interventions particulières (programmes ou p
  • Overview: Strategies for causal attribution

    This guide, written by Patricia Rogers for UNICEF, looks at the process of causal attribution with a particular emphasis on its use in impact evaluation.
  • Sinopsis: estrategias de atribución causal

    Uno de los aspectos esenciales de una evaluación de impacto es que no solo mide o describe cambios que han ocurrido, sino que también procura entender la función de determinadas intervenciones (es decir, programas o políticas) en la generac
  • Developmental evaluation: Diagnostic checklist

    This checklist aims to help users assess whether Developmental Evaluation is a good fit for your situation.
  • Institutional history

    An institutional history (IH) is a narrative that records key points about how institutional arrangements – new ways of working – have evolved over time and have created and contributed to more effective ways to achieve project or programme
  • Evaluation report checklist

    This checklist was developed by drawing upon and reflecting on The Program Evaluation Standards which were created for the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation, 1994.  
  • Evaluation contract checklist

    This checklist is designed to help evaluators and clients identify key contractual issues that require agreement before an evaluation can commence.
  • Evaluation plans and operations checklist

    This checklist from the Evaluation Checklists Project provides a guide to those interested in conducting a preliminary, formative metaevaluation.
  • Open space

    Open Space Technology (OST) is a group facilitation approach for small and large gatherings in which a central purpose, issue, or task is addressed, but which begins with a purposeful lack of any formal initial agenda.
  • World cafe

    The world café is a methodology for hosting group dialogue which emphasizes the power of simple conversation in considering relevant questions and themes.
  • CIPP evaluation model checklist

    Stufflebeam provides an explanation of what CIPP is, and a checklist designed to help evaluators evaluate programs with relatively long-term goals.