
  • Using Mobile Data for Development

    This guide, written by Ed Naef, Philipp Muelbert, Syed Raza, Raquel Frederick, Jake Kendall and Nirant Gupta for Cartesian and the 
  • Technology for Evaluation in Fragile and Conflict Affected States: An Introduction for the Digital Immigrant Evaluator

    This paper aims to help evaluators working in fragile and conflict affected states (FCAS) to determine which technology may be useful in various phases of an evaluation.
  • Poimapper

    Poimapper mobile data collection solution is designed for monitoring the status and progress of field work in any specific area.
  • Discussion Paper: Innovations in Monitoring and Evaluation

    This discussion paper produced by the United Nations Development Programme discusses various innovations that are occurring in M&E, and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.
  • Big data for development: challenges & opportunities

    This white paper by UN Global Pulse examines the use of Big Data in development contexts.
  • Mentoring

    Mentoring is a process where people are able to share their professional and personal experiences in order to support their development and growth in all spheres of life.
  • Steering group

    Evaluation management often involves a steering group, which makes the decisions about the evaluation.
  • Mentoring matters

    This Primary Health Care Research & Information Service webpage provides an overview of the importance and benefits of a good mentoring program.
  • Mentoring made easy

    This guide from the NSW Premier's Office outlines the process and advantages of setting up a formal mentoring program in the workplace.
  • Mentoring for the new millennium

    This article outlines the rationale behind mentoring and argues that developing a formal mentoring program will lead to the development of a learning organisation.