
  • Gender equality and big data: Making gender data visible

    The report from UN Women, with support from UN Global Pulse, outlines the value of big data for monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in relation to women.
  • My “home-made” evaluation tools to avoid gender (and equity) blindness by Sara Vaca

    In this AEA365 'Rad Resource' blog post, Sara Vaca discusses the importance and challenges of introducing a Gender perspective into evaluations - even when this is not included in the evaluation ToRs.
  • Inclusive systemic evaluation for gender equality, environments and marginalized voices (ISE4GEMs): A new approach for the SDG era

    This UN Women Independent Evaluation Service guide on the Inclusive Systemic Evaluation for Gender equality, Environments and Marginalized voices (ISE4GEMs) approach brings together innovative systemic evaluation practice with intersec
  • Gender Statistics Database

    The Gender Statistics Database contains gender statistics from all over the European Union (EU) and beyond, at the EU, Member State and European level.
  • How to manage gender-responsive evaluation

    This handbook, produced by the Independent Evaluation Office for UN Women, is aimed at supporting those who are implementing gender-respo
  • Demystifying systemic thinking for evaluation in post-normal times

    When you suggest to someone that you’re interested in using systems thinking in your project, you’ll  often  hear “we tried that once…” or “I like the idea of it but I’m not really sure how I would apply it” or “I get what it
  • Six Thinking Hats

    This webpage from De Bono Consulting provides an overview of the six thinking hats and includes a range of free resources including guides and videos.
  • Six thinking hats

    The Six Thinking Hats method encourages participants to cycle through six different ways of thinking, using the metaphor of wearing different conceptual “hats”.
  • UN Women

    This website from the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, provides a wide variety of resources to support the implementation of gender equality around the globe.
  • Gender analysis tools

    The Gender Analysis Tool, produced by Global Affairs Canada (Formerly Canadian International Development Agency, CIDA), can be used for examining gendered roles and f
  • SEAR féministe document d'orientation

    Ce document d'orientation, publié par Oxfam Québec, fournit des conseils sur la mise en œuvre d’une approche féministe de suivi, d’évaluation, d’apprentissage et de redevabilité (SEAR).
  • SEAR feminista documento de orientación

    Este documento de orientación, publicado por Oxfam Quebec, proporciona una guía sobre la implementación del guimiento, la evaluación, el aprendizaje y la rendición de cuentas social (SEAR) feministas.
  • Feminist MEAL steering document

    This steering document, published by Oxfam Quebec, provides guidance on the implementation of feminist monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL).