The Gender Statistics Database contains gender statistics from all over the European Union (EU) and beyond, at the EU, Member State and European level. It is aimed at providing statistical evidence which can be used to support and complement the European Commission’s (EC) Strategy on Gender Equality and support the Member States to monitor their progress.
The information provided was supplied by Donna Podems, Director, OtherWISE: Research and Evaluation, and Svetlana Negroustoueva, Evaluation specialist.
Authors and their affiliation
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
Year of publication
Type of resource
Key features
The database contains statistics on the following areas:
- Thematic areas (1954 indicators)
- Policy areas (1562 indicators)
- EU strategies (68 indicators)
- Beijing Platform for Action (117 indicators)
- Gender Equality Index (79 indicators)
- Women and men in decision making (54 indicators)
Who is this resource useful for?
Commissioners/managers of evaluation
- Those involved in evaluation capacity strengthening
How have you used or intend on using this resource?
This resource is useful for obtaining statistical information on European member states. EIGE assists EU institutions and the Member States in the collection, analysis and dissemination of objective, reliable and comparable information and data on equality between women and men.Why would you recommend it to other people?
This database contains a breadth of information on gender statistics in the European Union states. The Gender Equality Index assesses the impact of gender equality policies in the European Union and by Member States over time. It is built around six core domains - work, money, knowledge, time, power and health – and two satellite domains: violence against women and intersecting inequalities and it is based on EU policy priorities.
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Browse Gender Statistics
- Thematic areas (1954 indicators)
- Population and demography
- Attitudes, perceptions and norms
- Health and mortality
- Education and training
- Work and labour market
- Financial and economic situation
- Time use
- Power and decision making
- Research, science, and technology
- Gender-based violence
- Fertility and reproductive rights
- Men and masculinities
- Policy areas (1562 indicators)
- Agriculture and fisheries
- Citizenship, participation, and representation
- Culture, education and youth
- Economy and finance
- Employment and social affairs
- Enterprise and industry
- Environment, climate action and energy
- External relations and foreign affairs
- Health
- Information society
- Justice and home affairs
- Regions and local development
- Research, science, and technology
- Transport and travel
- EU strategies (68 indicators)
- EU strategy for equality between women and men 2010-2015
- EU 2020
- Beijing Platform for Action (117 indicators)
- Women and Poverty (A)
- Education and Training of Women (B)
- Women and Health (C)
- Violence Against Women (D)
- Women and Armed Conflict (E)
- Women and the Economy (F)
- Women in Power and Decision-Making (G)
- Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women (H)
- Human Rights of Women (I)
- Women and the Media (J)
- Women and the Environment (K)
- The Girl Child (L)
- Gender Equality Index (79 indicators)
- Gender Equality Index Scores
- Core Domains
- Satellite domains
- Women and men in decision making (54 indicators)
- Politics
- Judiciary
- Education and research
- Public administration
- Media
- Business and finance
- Social partners and NGOs
- Environment and climate change
Euro Institute for Gender Equality (2016) Gender Statistics Database [Website]. URL:
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