
  • Excel charts: Pie charts

    This webpage, written by Jorge Camoes for ExcelCharts, outlines the arguments for and against using pie charts and then provides detailed advice and some dos and don'ts for using them.
  • ROMA: A guide to policy engagement and influence

    This online guide, written by John Young, Louise Shaxson, Harry Jones, Simon Hearn, Ajoy Datta and Caroline Cassidy for the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), has been designed to support users to understand, engage with a
  • Co-producing policy recommendations: Lessons from a DEGRP project in Uganda

    This report by DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) describes in detail how the researchers turned findings into recommendations, and how the various stages of stakeholder consultation influenced different elements of the projec
  • Canva

    Canva is a very simple, free to use, online infographic creation platform. It has a drag and drop interface and a range of templates that you can adapt.
  • Learning about Theories of Change for the Monitoring and Evaluation of Research Uptake

    This practice paper from IDS captures lessons from recent experiences on using ‘theories of change’ amongst organisations involved in the research–policy interface.
  • A quick primer on running online events and meetings

    Meetings and gatherings are vital components of evaluation. Often these are done face-to-face, however sometimes necessity or practicality makes meeting online the best option.
  • Digital dividends in natural resource management

    The report sets out research findings on the "digital dividends" of various types of technology on natural resource management in low and middle-income countries.
  • Understanding influence: the episode studies approach

    In this chapter from the book, The Politics of Trade, published by the International Developm
  • Infographics

    An infographic (short for 'information graphic') represents data visually so that the information is able to be quickly and easily understood.
  • Episode studies

    Episode studies are an excellent way of investigating the influence of research on policy.
  • Stakeholder engagement toolkit

    This toolkit, developed by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, provides a step-by-step guide to developing and implementing a successful stakeholder engagement plan.
  • Making evaluations matter: A practical guide for evaluators

    This guide, written by Cecile Kusters with Simone van Vugt, Seerp Wigboldus, Bob Williams and Jim Woodhill for the Centre for Development Innovation, presents a framework for planning and managing an evaluation with a focus o