
  • Evaluating Human Capital Projects

    Evaluating Human Capital Projects is a practical guide to planning, evaluating and improving all types of human capital projects.  Its central theme is that organisations do not always value 'softer' investment in people as highly as o
  • Dr. Richard Kreuger on qualitative listening

    In this interview in The Listening Resource blog (August 29th, 2013), Susan Eliot talks to Dr.
  • Transcribe

    Transcribe is a very useful tool if you need to transcribe a small amount of data and don't have access to some of the more professional, downloadable transcription software packages.
  • A guide for designing and conducting in-depth interviews for evaluation input

    This short guide defines in-depth interviews, explains their advantages and disadvantages and the steps involved in their application. 
  • Week 34: Alternatives to transcribing interviews

    Being able to compare alternatives is essential when designing an evaluation.
  • Missing link: Sustained and emerging impact evaluation

    This blog post by Jindra Cekan and Laurie Zivetz of Valuing Voices discusses the need for post-project impact evaluations.
  • Institutional history

    An institutional history (IH) is a narrative that records key points about how institutional arrangements – new ways of working – have evolved over time and have created and contributed to more effective ways to achieve project or programme
  • Peer learning

    Peer learning refers to a practitioner-to-practitioner approach in which the transfer of tacit knowledge is particularly important (Andrews and Manning 2016).
  • Designing participatory meetings and brownbags: A TOPS quick guide to linking development practitioners

    This short guide by the Technical and Operational Performance Support (TOPS) Program and USAID focuses on identifying appropriate formats and approaches for presentations, group discussions and problem solving sessions to enhance
  • Interviewing

    This guide, written by Bronwen McDonald and Patricia Rogers for UNICEF, looks at interviews, with a particular focus on their use in impact evaluation.