
  • Week 35: What is Visionary Evaluation?

    Today we start a series on "visionary evaluation" - the theme of the 2014 American Evaluation Association conference in October.
  • Week 36: Systems thinking

    This is #2 in our series on visionary evaluation. This year’s AEA Conference theme is visionary evaluation – systems thinking, equity and sustainability.  Which begs the question what is systems thinking?
  • Week 37: Why is equity so important in evaluation?

    This is #3 in our series on visionary evaluation.  
  • Week 38: Addressing sustainability in evaluation

    This year’s AEA theme of visionary evaluation challenges evaluators to consider how their work can contribute to a sustainable future.  In this week’s blog post, we’ve asked Will Allen for advice about how evaluations can address susta
  • Week 40: Visionary Evaluation AEA 2014 song

    To celebrate the start of the 2014 conference of the American Evaluation Association, we're delighted to be able to share the lyrics and music of the Visionary Evaluation AEA 2014 song to make it easier to sing along during and after the co
  • Week 43: Evaluating sustainability

    Meeting sustainability goals is one of the most important and urgent challenges for humanity yet for many of us, thinking about sustainability in evaluation means assessing the extent to which the benefits of a project, programme or policy
  • User personas and user journeys - key parts of our UX process

    A few months ago we started gathering data on the user experience (UX) of the BetterEvaluation website.
  • Mentoring

    Mentoring is a process where people are able to share their professional and personal experiences in order to support their development and growth in all spheres of life.
  • Mentoring matters

    This Primary Health Care Research & Information Service webpage provides an overview of the importance and benefits of a good mentoring program.
  • Mentoring made easy

    This guide from the NSW Premier's Office outlines the process and advantages of setting up a formal mentoring program in the workplace.
  • Mentoring for the new millennium

    This article outlines the rationale behind mentoring and argues that developing a formal mentoring program will lead to the development of a learning organisation.