
  • Revolutionary Google-backed system unlocks power of big data to save forests

    This blog post from Rhett A Butler for outlines the use of a new tool, Global Forest Watch, which uses big data to monitor global forests on a monthly basis.  Utilising Google’s computing cloud the tool is able to analyse
  • Gender equality and big data: Making gender data visible

    The report from UN Women, with support from UN Global Pulse, outlines the value of big data for monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in relation to women.
  • Measuring results and impact in the age of big data

    This paper explores the nexus of data science and evaluation, probing the issues and challenges of incorporating big data into evaluation practice. This resource and the following information was contributed by Alice Macfarlan.
  • Global innovations in measurement and evaluation

    This report by NPC highlights their research into the latest developments in theory and practice in measurement and evaluation. The authors found that new thinking, techniques, and technology are influencing and improving practice.
  • Discussion Paper: Innovations in Monitoring and Evaluation

    This discussion paper produced by the United Nations Development Programme discusses various innovations that are occurring in M&E, and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.
  • Big data for development: challenges & opportunities

    This white paper by UN Global Pulse examines the use of Big Data in development contexts.
  • Geospatial analysis in evaluation

    This blog from the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) highlights the role of geospatial data in understanding change in phenomena, and answering questions of relevance and effectiveness of development interventions.
  • Learning from data innovation

    This episode from the IEG podcast 'What have we learned' features Brenda Barbour and Jos Vaessen discussing the opportunities and challenges of using innovative technologies with evaluation data.
  • Week 35: What is Visionary Evaluation?

    Today we start a series on "visionary evaluation" - the theme of the 2014 American Evaluation Association conference in October.
  • Week 36: Systems thinking

    This is #2 in our series on visionary evaluation. This year’s AEA Conference theme is visionary evaluation – systems thinking, equity and sustainability.  Which begs the question what is systems thinking?
  • Week 37: Why is equity so important in evaluation?

    This is #3 in our series on visionary evaluation.  
  • Week 38: Addressing sustainability in evaluation

    This year’s AEA theme of visionary evaluation challenges evaluators to consider how their work can contribute to a sustainable future.  In this week’s blog post, we’ve asked Will Allen for advice about how evaluations can address susta
  • Week 40: Visionary Evaluation AEA 2014 song

    To celebrate the start of the 2014 conference of the American Evaluation Association, we're delighted to be able to share the lyrics and music of the Visionary Evaluation AEA 2014 song to make it easier to sing along during and after the co
  • Week 43: Evaluating sustainability

    Meeting sustainability goals is one of the most important and urgent challenges for humanity yet for many of us, thinking about sustainability in evaluation means assessing the extent to which the benefits of a project, programme or policy
  • Big data and evaluation: Use and implications

    Big data is emerging as a new world currency.
  • What about administrative data?

    In this guest blog, Kerry McCarthy discusses some of the options for finding administrative data sets for use in evaluation.
  • How evaluation embraces and enriches adaptation: A UFE approach

    In this guest blog, Sonal Zaveri (with input from the DECI team) discusses why a 
  • Digital dividends in natural resource management

    The report sets out research findings on the "digital dividends" of various types of technology on natural resource management in low and middle-income countries.
  • SIRCA: Building evaluation capacity — a review of awarding, mentoring and conferences

    This case study from the Singapore Internet Research Centre (SIRCA) describes how they used a Utilization Focused Evaluation for a project in conjunction with Developing Evaluation C
  • CEDIL Methods Brief - Using big data for impact evaluations

    This paper provides detailed guidance on using big data to fill data gaps in impact evaluations.
  • Outcome harvesting

    This 27-page brief, written by Ricardo Wilson-Grau and Heather Britt, introduces the key concepts and approach used by Outcome Harvesting (published by the Ford Foundation in May 2012; revised in Nov 2013).
  • Cosecha de alcances

    Cosecha de Alcances es una herramienta centrada en la utilización y altamente participativo que permite a evaluadores, donantes y gerentes de proyectos y programas identificar, formular, verificar y dar sentido a los alcances en que han inf
  • Big data

    Big data refers to data that are so large and complex that traditional methods of collection and analysis are not possible. 