
  • Evaluation executive summaries & reports

    This blog by Stephanie Evergreen curates a number of examples of engaging executive summaries and evaluation reports. The focus is on highlighting effective visual design of these reporting formats.
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 23: Tips for delivering negative results

  • Checklist for straightforward evaluation reports

    This checklist by Kelly N. Robertson and Lori Wingate provides suggestions for the content and organization of long-form evaluation reports that are concise, easy to understand, and easy to navigate.
  • Household vulnerability and resilience to economic shocks

    This project into Household Vulnerability and Resilience to Economic Shocks, a collaboration between RMIT University, Oxfam Australia, Deakin University and the University of the South Pacific, gives a good example of the way tha
  • What makes a popular science video on YouTube

    This article by Dustin Welbourne and Will J Grant in The Conversation discusses ways to make a video about science popular and effective in its communication, highlighting a number of key features that are demonstrated through embedded exam
  • Realist Evaluation Workshop

    The focus of this one-day workshop was to build practical skills to conduct a realist evaluation for international development projects and programmes. The rapidly changing context of development assistance in recent years combined wit
  • Week 15: Fitting reporting methods to evaluation findings – and audiences

    This week we're sharing some ideas from Rakesh Mohan on ways of making evaluation reports more interesting. 
  • Week 49: The 1st international conference on realist approaches to evaluation: my ‘realist’ take-aways

    In this blog, Tiina shares her top three realist ‘take-aways’ from the 1st International Conference on Realist Approaches to Evaluation and reflects on when or how realist evaluation may be most useful.
  • 2017 International realist conference

    We've got our head in realism this week, partly because early-bird registrations for the 2017 International Realist Conference close soon, and partly because we've been shown Chris Lysy's realist cartoon series (commissioned by the Rameses
  • Hierarchical card sorting: A tool for qualitative research

    This paper by Rick Davies from the Centre for Development Studies describes the use of hierarchical card sorting as a way to elicit the views of development sector staff to gain an understanding of their perceptions of the world around
  • Infographics

    An infographic (short for 'information graphic') represents data visually so that the information is able to be quickly and easily understood.
  • Graphic recording

    Graphic recording is the translation of conversations into images and text on large sheets of paper during meetings and events.
  • Hierarchical card sorting

    Hierarchical card sorting (HCS) is a participatory card sorting method designed to provide insight into how people categorise and rank different phenomena.
  • Evidence-based policy: A realist perspective

    This book, written by Ray Pawson, provides a critique of the meta-analytic approach and argues that the realist synthesis is a better way of understanding program theory, therefore enabling properly targeted policies to address the con
  • Realist evaluation introductory resources

    This website, from e-MOPs, provides an introduction to Realist Evaluation and includes links to a range of resources, including academic papers, video introductions, online community resources and case studies.
  • Reporting style guide template

    This style guide template is designed to ensure consistency in formatting across various project documents, including evaluation plans, reports, and presentations.
  • A short primer on innovative evaluation reporting

    This book by Kylie Hutchinson presents a number of innovative ways of reporting, including different methods for presentations, narrative summaries, presenting findings visually and making use of digital outputs.
  • Realist evaluation

    Realist evaluation aims to identify the underlying generative causal mechanisms that explain how outcomes were caused and how context influences these.
  • Realist evaluation

    An approach especially to impact evaluation which examines what works for whom in what circumstances through what causal mechanisms, including changes in the reasoning and resources of participants.
  • Realist impact evaluation: An introduction

    Realist impact evaluation is an approach to impact evaluation that emphasises the importance of context for programme outcomes.
  • Introduction: Contribution, causality, context, and contingency when evaluating inclusive business programmes

    This IDS Bulletin discusses approaches and methods for meaningful impact evaluation, building on real-world experiences with theory-based evaluation in inclusive business programmes.
  • Realistic evaluation bloodlines

    This article, written by Ray Pawson and Nick Tilley analyses six different social science inquiries from around the globe that use a variety of methods and strategies in order to draw conclusions about realistic evaluations.
  • Making rigorous causal claims in a real-life context: Has research contributed to sustainable forest management?

    This article discusses an impact evaluation that examined the contribution of two forestry research centres - the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour
  • Causal Pathways introductory session: Realist evaluation

    This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, by Melanie Punton, is an introduction to Realist Evaluation, a theory-based evaluation approach based on the idea that interventions do not work for everyone, all the time.
  • Causal Pathways 2023 Symposium and 2024 introductory sessions

    This series of webinars was first presented at the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, which focused on "connecting, learning, and building a shared understanding of the evaluation and participatory practices that make causal pathways more visible"