
  • Developmental evaluation toolkit

    This toolkit, developed by Spark Insight Partners (formerly Spark Policy Institute), offers a range of tools and resources to support not for profits and community organisations create socia
  • gLOCAL Evaluation Week: Yes, gLOCAL - it is not a typo

    This week's guest blog is in support of the gLOCAL Evaluation week - a series of free events taking place around the globe and online between June 3-7 2019.
  • Peer learning

    Peer learning refers to a practitioner-to-practitioner approach in which the transfer of tacit knowledge is particularly important (Andrews and Manning 2016).
  • Designing participatory meetings and brownbags: A TOPS quick guide to linking development practitioners

    This short guide by the Technical and Operational Performance Support (TOPS) Program and USAID focuses on identifying appropriate formats and approaches for presentations, group discussions and problem solving sessions to enhance
  • Impact evaluation toolkit

    This toolkit from the World Bank provides a number of modules which guide the user on the design and implementation of impact evaluations.