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This toolkit from the World Bank provides a number of modules which guide the user on the design and implementation of impact evaluations.
"The Toolkit consists of 1) guidelines for best practices and 2) tools to implement guideline recommendations such as:
- terms of reference for team members/survey firms
- maternal and child health indicators of interest
- research protocols
- questionnaires
- training manuals and curricula
- fieldwork supervision materials" (The World Bank Group, 2012)
- Evaluation Questions
- Team Building
- Design
- Data Collection Preps
- Data Collection
- Data Storage
- Analysis
- Monitoring
- Experience from the Field: Country Spotlights
- Afghanistan: Data Access Policy
- Argentina: Using Administrative Data
- Benin: Design & Implementation Challenges
- Cameroon: Sampling Frame & Political Buy-In
- Central African Republic: Integrating Impact Evaluation & Intervention
- Democratic Republic of Congo: Team Building & Post-conflict Settings
- Nigeria: Why do Impact Evaluation?
- Rwanda: 1-Using Power Calculations in Policy Dialogue / 2-Team Building & Local Capacity / 3-Using Results Dissemination for Policy Dialogue
- Zambia: Data Collection Challenges
This resource was recommended to BetterEvaluation by Maurya Westmeiers
The World Bank Group. (2012). Impact evaluation toolkit. Retrieved from,,contentMDK:23262154~pagePK:64168427~piPK:64168435~theSitePK:8811876,00.html