
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 47: using video to communicate evaluation findings

    In the last in our series of blogs on using video in evaluation, Glenn O'Neil joins us to discuss how you can use video to communicate your evaluation findings.
  • 7 Strategies to improve evaluation use and influence - Part 1

    What can be done to support the use of evaluation? How can evaluators, evaluation managers and others involved in or affected by evaluations support the constructive use of findings and evaluation processes?  
  • Green Media Toolshed

    Green Media Toolshed is a website that aims to provide tools and training to improve the effectiveness of 'green' messages' to the public from environmental movements"Green Media Toolshed's goals are to:
  • R&D projects

    Evaluation associations can leverage their membership to engage in knowledge construction through research and development.