
  • Peer review and self-evaluation

    This toolkit from the Australian National University (ANU) provides a range of resources that demonstrate the use of both peer review and self evaluation in order to develop reflective practice in t
  • Week 13: Producing engaging and accessible evaluation reports

    This week we start the first in an ongoing series of Real-Time Evaluation Queries, where BetterEvaluation members ask for advice and assistance with something they are working on, together we suggest some strategies and useful resources - a
  • Peer-assessment

    Peer assessment can provide additional benefits beyond self-assessment – in particular, the opportunity for peer learning through the review process.
  • A toolkit for monitoring and evaluation of gender-based violence

    This is a guide to support organizations implementing GBV response and prevention activities in low-resource settings to improve and integrate monitoring and evaluation into their work in a way that ensures the dignity and respect for their