
161 results

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  • Designing for Action: Principles of Effective Sustainability Measurement

    This report from the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Measuring Sustainability provides detailed guidance for decision makers on measuring for effective sustainability.
  • Applying resilience thinking: Seven principles for building resilience in social-ecological systems

    This guide from the Stockholm Resilience Centre outlines seven key principles that can be used to develop resilience in social-ecological systems.
  • Evaluating sustainability: Evaluative support for managing processes in the public interest

    This special issue of New Directions in Evaluation includes discussions of different types of sustainability – sustainable environment, sustainable development, sustainable programs, and sustainable evaluation systems – and a synthesis of t
  • Evaluation at the nexus between nature and humanity for transformational change

    This chapter from Transformational Evaluation for the Global Crises of Our Times argues for the need to transform evaluation in the light of current environmental crises and sets out the major ways this needs to happen.
  • Introducing footprint evaluation

    Given the numerous interconnected environmental crises the world faces, there is an urgent need to include consideration of environmental impacts into all evaluations. 
  • Biodiversity and the economic response to COVID-19: Ensuring a green and resilient recovery

    This policy brief “outlines how biodiversity loss is a key driver of emerging infectious diseases and poses a variety of other growing risks to businesses, society and the global economy.
  • Evaluation at the endgame: Evaluating sustainability and the SDGs by moving past dominion and institutional capture

    “Business-as-usual evaluation will not suffice.
  • The rights of nature: An emerging transformation opportunity for evaluation

    This article invites evaluators to engage with the concept of the Rights of Nature: “recognizing ecosystems and natural communities not as property that can be owned but as entities that have an independent right to exist
  • Environment, climate change and assessment - towards a holistic view

    This blog by Juha Uitto, Director of the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the Global Environment Facility, points out that evaluation needs to take a new, holistic perspective to address serious environmental problems.
  • Evaluating the environmental impact of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the COVID-19 pandemic

    This Footprint Evaluation case study explores the feasibility and value of considering environmental sustainability in the evaluation of personal protective equipment (PPE) provisioning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • How to talk about climate change

    This collection of resources - toolkit, short guide and cheat sheet - sets out the challenges of talking about climate change and presents effective strategies to address them.
  • Turin Agenda - 2022 National Evaluation Capacities conference

    The Turin Agenda is a commitment presented by over 300 participants from more than 100 countries at the 2022 National Evaluation Capacities Conference held in Turin, Italy from October 25-28.
  • System Mapping: A case example

    Innovation Network has used syst
  • Guidelines for applying the climate and ecosystems health criterion in the commissioning, design and implementation of evaluations

    This guide sets out the rationale for why climate and ecosystem health need to be addressed by all evaluations and how this might be done during the commissioning, design and conduct of an evaluation.
  • Navigating sustainability: measurement, evaluation and action

    This paper from the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) aims to document the evolution in thinking about measuring sustainability and distill crucial lessons for the future.
  • Multiple lines and levels of evidence

    Multiple lines and levels of evidence (MLLE) is a systematic approach to causal inference that involves bringing together different types of evidence (lines of evidence) and considering the strength of the evidence in terms of different ind
  • Journals and logs

    Journals and logs are forms of record-keeping tools that can be used to capture information about activities, results, conditions, or personal perspectives on how change occurred over a period of time.
  • Integrity

    Integrity refers to ensuring honesty, transparency, and adherence to ethical behaviour by all those involved in the evaluation process.
  • Cultural competency

    Cultural competency involves ensuring that evaluators have the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to work respectfully and safely in cultural contexts different from their own.
  • Feasibility

    Feasibility refers to ensuring that an evaluation can be realistically and effectively implemented, considering factors such as practicality, resource use, and responsiveness to the programme's context, including factors such as culture and
  • Inclusion of diverse perspectives

    Inclusion of diverse perspectives requires attention to ensure that marginalised people and communities are adequately engaged in the evaluation.
  • Independence

    Independence can include organisational independence, where an evaluator or evaluation team can independently set a work plan and finalise reports without undue interference, and behavioural independence, where evaluators can conduct and re
  • Evaluation accountability

    Evaluation accountability relates to processes in place to ensure the evaluation is carried out transparently and to a high-quality standard.
  • Transferability

    Transferability involves presenting findings in a way that they can be applied in other contexts or settings, considering the local culture and context to enhance the utility and reach of evaluation insights.
  • Utility

    Utility standards are intended to increase the extent to which program stakeholders find evaluation processes and products valuable in meeting their needs.
  • Professionalism

    Professionalism within evaluation is largely understood in terms of high levels of competence and ethical practice.
  • Propriety

    Propriety refers to ensuring that an evaluation will be conducted legally, ethically, and with due regard for the welfare of those involved in it and those affected by its results.
  • Systematic inquiry

    Systematic inquiry involves thorough, methodical, contextually relevant and empirical inquiry into evaluation questions. Systematic inquiry is one of the guiding principles of the American Evaluation Association:
  • Transparency

    Transparency refers to the evaluation processes and conclusions being able to be scrutinised.
  • Ethical practice

    Ethical practice in evaluation can be understood in terms of designing and conducting an evaluation to minimise any potential for harm and to maximise the value of the evaluation.
  • Accuracy

    Accuracy refers to the correctness of the evidence and conclusions in an evaluation. It may have an implication of precision.
  • Accessibility

    Accessibility of evaluation products includes consideration of the format and access options for reports, including plain language, inclusive print design, material in multiple languages, and material in alternative formats (such as online,