
  • Participation not for you? Four reflections that might just change your mind

    ​​​This month we start a series on participation in evaluation by Leslie Groves and Irene Guijt. This blog series aims to explore one simple question: How can we best open up evaluation processes to include those intended to benefit from a specific
  • Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI)

    Founded in 1998 as a project of the Independent Sector, the Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI, now the Council for Nonprofits Everyday Advocacy) is
  • Evaluating your nonprofit's lobbyist

    This guide provides eight key activities that organisations should use to evaluate the effectiveness of their lobbyist. 
  • Photolanguage

    Produced by the Change Agency, this resource gives a brief overview of the history, use and application of the photolanguage technique.