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Filter search results7 ways to strengthen your M&E capacity in 2020
Strengthening evaluation capacity of individuals, organisations and systems continues to be a major focus for BetterEvaluation so in this blog we present 7 ways that might be useful when planning how to do evaluation better in 2020.BlogPathways to professionalisation - Part 1: Professionalisation within the context of the AES
In part 1 of this two-part blog series, greet Peersman and Patricia Rogers introduce the ‘Pathways to advance professionalisation within the context of the AES’ project and report.BlogPathways to professionalisation - Part 2: Options for professionalisation
In the previous blog in this series, greet Peersman and Patricia Rogers introduced the ‘Pathways to advance professionalisation within the context of the AES’ project and report.BlogLearning purposefully in capacity development (2008)
This paper examines how monitoring and evaluation (M&E) does, or could, make a difference to Capacity Development (CD).ResourceLe suivi et l’évaluation des capacités et du renforcement des capacités
L'étude se décline en une vingtaine d'études de terrain effectuées selon un cadre méthodologique comprenant les sept éléments suivants :ResourceKey considerations for managing evaluations
This guide from Pact South Africa is aimed at providing an overview of the key considerations that need to be assessed before and during the evaluation process.ResourceLearning to evaluate capacity development and collaborative learning
Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) in Asia faces the challenge of assessing and documenting the role of capacity development in enhancing CBNRM outcomes.ResourceIDRC strategic evaluation of capacity development: Doing things better?
The paper from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) analyses whether the results from capacity building projects have supported the organisation to achieve its mission.ResourcePublic information about evaluation
An important part of evaluation capacity strengthening is providing a clear definition or explanation of evaluation in online and printed materials.MethodExpectation of ongoing competency development
An expectation that members of an association or organisation will engage in ongoing competency development.MethodMonitoring and evaluating capacity development: Is it really that difficult?
This paper from the International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC) analyses some of the key concepts of capacity development, particularly regarding monitoring and evaluation.ResourceShaping international evaluation: A 30-year journey
This book from Universalia Management Group presents major trends that have influenced international evaluation and provides an overview of the evolution of evaluation within specific sectors, such as the environment and agriculture.ResourceVoluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs): Learning from Africa, Americas, Asia, Australasia, Europe and Middle East
This book is focused on case studies highlighting the experiences of regional and national VOPEs.ResourceCreating and developing evaluation organizations
This book from the International Organisation for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) uses 14 case studies from around the world to demonstrate best practices and lessons learned from developing evaluation organisations.ResourceNew trends in development evaluation
This working paper from UNICEF aims to review the latest trends in evaluation to develop a new strategy for improving the evaluation function.ResourcePathways to advance professionalisation within the context of the AES
This report by Greet Peersman and Patricia Rogers for the Australasian Evaluation Society (AES) identifies four potential pathways towards professionalisation within the context of the AES. These pathways are as follows:ResourceEstudio de brechas entre necesidades y oferta de programas para desarrollar capacidades de monitoreo y evaluación en América Latina y el Caribe
El objetivo de esta investigación de CLEAR LAC fue estudiar las brechas entre las necesidades y las ofertas de capacitación, a fin de diseñar un programa de capacitación en monitoreo y evaluación (M&E) relevante y pertinente.ResourceDéveloppement de capacités en évaluation et communication: Guide pour la facilitation
Dans ce manuel, les auteurs racontent comment leur mentorat en matière d’évaluation et de communication avec des groupes sélectionnés en Amérique latine, en Asie et en Afrique s’est déroulé sur une période de quatre ans (2018-2021).ResourceDesarrollo de capacidades en evaluación y comunicación: Apuntes para su faciitación
A través de esta introducción, los autores cuentan la historia de cómo se desarrolló su tutoría en evaluación y comunicación con grupos seleccionados de América Latina, Asia y África durante un período de cuatro años (2018-21).ResourceCapacity development in evaluation and communication: Prompts for facilitators
Through this primer, the authors tell the story of how their mentoring in evaluation and communication with selected groups across Latin America, Asia, and Africa unfolded over a four-year time frame (2018-2021).Resource