
  • Preparing For GDPR / What's next with GDPR?

    Organised by DevResults in partnership with Sonjara and SurveyCTO, this recorded panel discussion took place on May 23rd, 2018, two days before the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect.
  • GDPR: Tips and tools

    This toolkit gathers together some useful resources that organisations can use to help guide their data protection practices.
  • Reporting on outcomes: Setting performance expectations and telling performance stories

    This paper by John Mayne provides a practical guide to telling performance stories and setting expectations about what level of performance was expected.
  • Scaffolding new methods

    We have all been there. You dive into a new book or head to a conference/workshop/course and come out all fired up about a new evaluation method. But when you get back to the real world, applying it turns out to be harder than you thought! What next?