
  • A cultural protocol for evaluation

    This resource explores important dimensions of cultural competency in evaluation. It focuses on cross-cultural understanding and culturally-appropriate attitudes and approaches.
  • Evaluating networks - some resources and some software

    BetterEvaluation is on the ground at the European Evaluation Society 10th Biannual conference in Helsinki this week.
  • Network evaluation

    A network evaluation may consider a range of questions and adopt a variety of options for undertaking the evaluation depending on factors such as the type, size, stage of development and purpose of the network.
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 8: Using social network analysis for M&E

    Most of the work done in development is done in collaboration, in partnership with individuals or organizations who contribute to a particular task or project we are working on.
  • Shaping international evaluation: A 30-year journey

    This book from Universalia Management Group presents major trends that have influenced international evaluation and provides an overview of the evolution of evaluation within specific sectors, such as the environment and agriculture.