
185 results

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  • Avaliação para o investimento social privado: Metodologias

    Este livro reúne um conjunto de contribuições oriundas do Seminário Internacional Avaliação para o Investimento Social Privado: Metodologias, realizado em julho de 2013 no Rio de Janeiro, pela Fundação Itaú Social, Fundação Roberto Marinho
  • Top tips for young and emerging evaluators - Blog series

    This blog series shares advice for young and emerging evaluators from a range of experienced evaluation practitioners. The tips range from methodological advice to personal tips on building resilience and relationships.
  • Evaluations made in Portuguese: the Lusophone space

    This guest blog by Elsa de Morais Sarmento, Carla Félix, and Mariana Branco discusses the importance of language to credible evaluation in Lusophone countries. 
  • Week 20: A língua dominante em avaliação é o inglês?

    Infelizmente acredito que sim.
  • Week 20: Is English the dominant language for evaluation?

    Unfortunately I believe so. Last year I met a group of Brazilian evaluators in a conference, and learned from them the growing demand for good evaluation studies in Brazil, but also the need for more capacity buildin
  • AES 2018 conference reflections: Power, values, and food

    In this guest blog, Fran Demetriou (Lirata Consulting and volunteer M&E advisor for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre’s Mentoring Program​) shares her reflections from the recent Australasian Evaluation Society (AES)'s 2018 conference,
  • Estudo de caso: a avaliação externa de um programa

    Este documento narra as experiencias pessoas do coordenador de uma avaliação de um projeto educacional.
  • The future of evaluation: Young and emerging evaluators as champions of cultural responsiveness

    A recent essay competition for young and emerging evaluators (YEEs), jointly hosted by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), and EvalYouth, invited emerging evaluators to propose solutions for closing the gap…
  • Reflection on the review of the IEG@50 writing competition on culturally responsive evaluation

    A recent essay competition, jointly hosted by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), and EvalYouth, invited emerging evaluators to propose solutions f
  • O sistema de monitoramento e avaliação dos programas de promoção e proteção social do Brasil

    Apresentação do sistema brasileiro de monitoramento e avaliação de programas sociais, como parte da cooperação Brasil-Africa .
  • Reflections on meeting the challenge of communicating the validity of culturally responsive evaluation (CRE) and getting influential voices and changemakers to listen

    The following article was written by Ennie Flora Gatsi (MA), Rumbidza Tizora (MSc), and Joyce Muyengwa (MSc).
  • A relevância da avaliação para o investimento social privado

    Este livro sintetiza o conjunto de reflexões produzidas no Seminário Internacional “A Relevância da Avaliação para o Investimento Social Privado”, realizado em 4 de julho de 2012, em São Paulo, pela Fundação Itaú Social e pela Fundação Robe
  • Essentials for evaluation entrepreneurship

    In this webinar recording, Dr. Nina Sabarre, Founder & CEO of Intention 2 Impact (I2I), presented primary research, best practices, and lessons learned for #Evaluation Entrepreneurship.
  • Evaluation use in multilateral development institutions with Dr. Jos Vaessen

    In this webinar, Dr Jos Vaessen, Evaluation Advisor at the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group, discussed how independent evaluation is organised in multilateral development institutions.
  • Building a career in evaluation

    Whether you are just starting out or looking to advance your career in the field of evaluation, this guide is designed to support you on your journey.
    Evaluation career guide
  • How can evaluation change the world? Empowering Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) to contribute to transformational change (Webinar)

    In this gLOCAL event, we explore the role of evaluation in transforming the world and the potential of YEEs to contribute to this transformation.
  • Multiple lines and levels of evidence

    Multiple lines and levels of evidence (MLLE) is a systematic approach to causal inference that involves bringing together different types of evidence (lines of evidence) and considering the strength of the evidence in terms of different ind
  • Journals and logs

    Journals and logs are forms of record-keeping tools that can be used to capture information about activities, results, conditions, or personal perspectives on how change occurred over a period of time.
  • Integrity

    Integrity refers to ensuring honesty, transparency, and adherence to ethical behaviour by all those involved in the evaluation process.
  • Cultural competency

    Cultural competency involves ensuring that evaluators have the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to work respectfully and safely in cultural contexts different from their own.
  • Feasibility

    Feasibility refers to ensuring that an evaluation can be realistically and effectively implemented, considering factors such as practicality, resource use, and responsiveness to the programme's context, including factors such as culture and
  • Inclusion of diverse perspectives

    Inclusion of diverse perspectives requires attention to ensure that marginalised people and communities are adequately engaged in the evaluation.
  • Independence

    Independence can include organisational independence, where an evaluator or evaluation team can independently set a work plan and finalise reports without undue interference, and behavioural independence, where evaluators can conduct and re
  • Evaluation accountability

    Evaluation accountability relates to processes in place to ensure the evaluation is carried out transparently and to a high-quality standard.
  • Transferability

    Transferability involves presenting findings in a way that they can be applied in other contexts or settings, considering the local culture and context to enhance the utility and reach of evaluation insights.
  • Utility

    Utility standards are intended to increase the extent to which program stakeholders find evaluation processes and products valuable in meeting their needs.
  • Professionalism

    Professionalism within evaluation is largely understood in terms of high levels of competence and ethical practice.
  • Propriety

    Propriety refers to ensuring that an evaluation will be conducted legally, ethically, and with due regard for the welfare of those involved in it and those affected by its results.
  • Systematic inquiry

    Systematic inquiry involves thorough, methodical, contextually relevant and empirical inquiry into evaluation questions. Systematic inquiry is one of the guiding principles of the American Evaluation Association:
  • Transparency

    Transparency refers to the evaluation processes and conclusions being able to be scrutinised.
  • Ethical practice

    Ethical practice in evaluation can be understood in terms of designing and conducting an evaluation to minimise any potential for harm and to maximise the value of the evaluation.
  • Accuracy

    Accuracy refers to the correctness of the evidence and conclusions in an evaluation. It may have an implication of precision.