
  • Community of Practice design guide

    Written by Darren Cambridge and Vicki Suter for the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), this guide provides practical steps and advice for the creation of Communities of Practice (CoPs).
  • AES guidelines for the ethical conduct of evaluations

    These guidelines from the Australasian Evaluation Society (AES) were designed to ensure ethical behaviour and decision-making are incorporated into evaluation practice.
  • Aid delivery methods: Project cycle management guidelines

    These guidelines from the European Commission have been prepared to support ongoing improvements in the quality of development assistance.
  • The EvaluateIT resource kit

    This online resource kit simplifies the task of evaluating community-based information technology (IT) projects such as community websites, online interest groups, and internet training programs.
  • Evaluation ethics, politics, standards, and guiding principles

    This is a module taken from the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) program.
  • Guidelines to avoid conflict of interest in independent evaluations

    These guidelines from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) set out the procedures that need to be taken into account when assessing the independence of evaluation and audit functions to ensure ethical requirements are met.
  • Causal link monitoring

    Causal Link Monitoring (CLM) is an evaluation approach that combines implementation design and monitoring to support adaptive management of projects, helping project planners and managers to identify processes needed to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Iterative design and monitoring for adaptive management: How causal link monitoring can help

    Development actors are embracing the concept and practice of adaptive management, using evidence to inform ongoing revisions throughout implementation.
  • Discussion note: Complexity aware monitoring

    USAID’s Office of Learning, Evaluation and Research (LER) has produced a Discussion Note: Complexity-Aware Monitoring, intended for those seeking cutting-edge solutions to monitoring complex aspects of strategies and projects.  
  • Causal Pathways introductory session: Causal link monitoring

    This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, by Heather Britt, introduced causal link monitoring, a method for integrating monitoring data and evaluation in order to address causality amid complexity.
  • Causal link monitoring brief

    Causal Link Monitoring (CLM) integrates design and monitoring to support adaptive management of projects.
  • Causal Pathways 2023 Symposium and 2024 introductory sessions

    This series of webinars was first presented at the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, which focused on "connecting, learning, and building a shared understanding of the evaluation and participatory practices that make causal pathways more visible"
  • The African evaluation principles

    This resource sets out the African Evaluation Principles, developed by the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA), for use by "individuals, organisations and coalitions who finance, commission, manage, conduct and educate about evaluation i
  • The African evaluation guidelines: 2002

    This paper from the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA) provides a brief description of the guidelines and a series of checklists to assist with the planning, implementation and completion of the evaluation process.