
  • Developing a performance story report

    This guide outlines a step-by-step participatory process for developing a performance story report in the context of ‘performance story evaluation’ and natural resource management, but can be used for monitoring and in other contexts.
  • Developmental evaluation toolkit

    This toolkit, developed by Spark Insight Partners (formerly Spark Policy Institute), offers a range of tools and resources to support not for profits and community organisations create socia
  • Right or Wrong? What values inform modern impact evaluation?

    The aim of this event was to open up the debate on ethics and explore how it can become more relevant to the field of impact evaluation.
  • What do we need for better monitoring?

    This blog by Jo Hall and Patricia Rogers provides an update on the Global Partnership for Better Monitoring project.
  • BetterMonitoring draft framework - September 2021

    BetterEvaluation is working with UNICEF to try and improve our collective understanding and practice of the monitoring function. The BetterMonitoring initiative focuses on trying to elevate the monitoring function to make it more visible and to provide…
  • Key competencies for the monitoring function

    This document sets out the functional competencies (skills, knowledge, attributes and behaviours) needed for effective monitoring.
  • Impact evaluation toolkit

    This toolkit from the World Bank provides a number of modules which guide the user on the design and implementation of impact evaluations.