
  • Coolors

    Coolors is a colour palette generator.
  • Paletton

    Paletton (formerly Color Scheme Designer) is an application which enables you to design a colour scheme for your documents and presentation and then check it against an accessibility tool to ensure your colour scheme is accessible for those
  • gLOCAL Evaluation Week: Yes, gLOCAL - it is not a typo

    This week's guest blog is in support of the gLOCAL Evaluation week - a series of free events taking place around the globe and online between June 3-7 2019.
  • Learning from gLOCAL conversations

    The week before last, we were treated to over 300 diverse, live events on evaluation in the annual event that is glocal – a week of locally hosted, globally accessible webinars, presentations and hybrid sessions that is convened by the Glob
  • The science behind data collection - gLOCAL 2023 webinar recap

    This blog shares some of the lessons from the gLOCAL2023 webinar, The science behind data collection: how to choose the best tools and approach to collect data considering the culture, context, and existing partnerships. It outlines five considerations:…
  • Beneficiary assessment: An approach described

    This paper describes the World Bank's approach to the Beneficiary Assessment approach.
  • Beneficiary feedback in evaluation

    The purpose of this paper, produced by the Department for International Development (DFID), is to analyse current practice of beneficiary feedback in evaluation and to stimulate further thinking and activity in this area.