This paper describes the World Bank's approach to the Beneficiary Assessment approach.
"More than 300 Bank-supported projects in over 60 countries in all regions of the world where the Bank has lending operations have used the beneficiary assessment method.
While early assessments were largely for project design or one-shot evaluation purposes, most of the ongoing and planned beneficiary assessments are iterative learning processes undertaken periodically throughout the lifetime of a project. The beneficiary assessment approach has provided insights on the perspectives of intended beneficiaries which were found useful by managers in both the design and implementation of activities in all sectors and regions of Bank operations." (Salmen, 2002)
- Beneficiary Assessment Usage at the Bank
- Involvement of Managers and Related Authorities
- Assessment Design
- Methodology
- Monitoring and Evaluating the Assessments
- Impact of Beneficiary Assessments
- Timing and Cost
Specific methods mentioned
- Interview Themes
- Conversational Interview Method
- Participant Observation—Residence in a Community
- List of Projects/ESW Utilizing Beneficiary Assessment
Salmen, L. F. World Bank, Social Development. (2002).Beneficiary assessment an approach described (Paper Number 10). Retrieved from
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