Reuse, Recycle: Rethink Research - Questions to Ask in Reviewing Research Evidence

This article by Bernadette Wright for Meaningful Evidence outlines a range of resources and approaches that can be used as a cost effective and reliable way to review evidence.


"Since the early 2000s, a growing number of research reviews in health care and a wide range of other topics have emphasized being “systematic.” These reviews follow clearly described plans and report details of their methods for finding, reviewing, and synthesizing studies. A growing number of tools and techniques may usefully assist with any of the steps, depending on the questions and available data (Rodgers, 2009).

Reviewers can use any tools and methods that they consider appropriate and still be systematic, as long as they clearly document and justify their decisions. As in any research, the questions, the type of intervention, and audience needs should form the basis of the review strategy.

This paper introduces some different approaches that you can use to review the evidence in a reliable way, based on your questions, information needs, and available data."

This resource was recommended to BetterEvaluation by Bernadette Wright


Wright, B. Meaningful Evidence, (2013). Reuse, recycle: rethink research questions to ask in reviewing research evidence. Retrieved from website: