USAID: Evaluation Policy

"This policy is intended to provide clarity to USAID staff, partners and stakeholders about the purposes of evaluation, the types of evaluations that are required and recommended, and the approach for conducting, disseminating and using evaluations." (USAID Evaluation PolicyTaskTeam, 2011, p. 1)

"Intended primarily to guide staff decisions regarding the practice of evaluation within projects managed by USAID, it also serves to communicate to implementing partners and key stakeholders a new approach to evaluation. This policy works in concert with existing and pending Agency policies, strategies and operational guidance, including those regarding project design, evaluation-related competencies of staff, performance monitoring, knowledge management, and research management. It draws in significant ways on the evaluation principles and guidance developed by the OECD/DAC Evaluation Network." (USAID Evaluation PolicyTaskTeam, 2011, p. 1)


  • Purposes of evaluation
  • Basic organizational roles and responsibilities
  • Evaluation practices
  • Evaluation requirements


USAID Evaluation PolicyTaskTeam (2011). EVALUATION Learning from Experience - USAID Evaluation Policy. Washington: U.S.Agency for International Development. Retrieved from (archived link)