Footprint Evaluation Initiative

The Footprint Evaluation Initiative aims to embed consideration of environmental sustainability in all evaluations and monitoring systems, not only those with explicit environmental objectives.
The Footprint Evaluation Initiative is working with organisations to develop guidance, tools, processes, examples, curated resources and workshops for evaluators and those who commission evaluations so that all evaluations are ‘sustainability-inclusive’ – include environmental sustainability systematically, every time.
The Footprint Evaluation Initiative is not developing a specific methodology or a tightly prescribed approach but an emerging set of practices and principles developed through ongoing international collaboration and adaptation to suit different contexts.
The Footprint Evaluation Initiative team – (alphabetically): Jane Davidson, Alice Macfarlan, Patricia Rogers, Andy Rowe and Kaye Stevens.
The Footprint Evaluation Initiative is hosted by BetterEvaluation and supported by the Global Evaluation Initiative.
Content supported by this partner
- This resource, from the Footprint Evaluation Initiative, discusses how the six evaluation criteria of the OECD DAC (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development – Development Assistance Committee) can be used to get environmental sustaina
- La evaluación de la huella ecológica tiene por objeto incorporar la evaluación de la sostenibilidad ambiental en todas las evaluaciones (y en todos los sistemas de seguimiento), y no solo en aquellas que tienen objetivos ambientales explícitos.
- El presente documento examina cómo utilizar los seis criterios de evaluación del Comité de Asistencia al Desarrollo (CAD) de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) para integrar la sostenibilidad ambiental en la agenda de la evalu
- La presente orientación tiene por objeto ayudar a las personas que están realizando o supervisando evaluaciones a incorporar la sostenibilidad ambiental de formas que sean factibles y útiles.
- This Footprint Evaluation case study explores the feasibility and value of considering environmental sustainability in the evaluation of personal protective equipment (PPE) provisioning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Footprint evaluation aims to embed consideration of environmental sustainability in all evaluations and monitoring systems, not only those with explicit environmental objectives.
- This case study looked at how environmental sustainability might be addressed as part of a mid-term evaluation of a national strategy for private sector development.
- The Footprint Evaluation project is a co-creation and resea
- In part one of this three-part webinar series, Andy Rowe and Patricia Rogers discuss what was learnt during the
- In part two of this three-part webinar series, Jane Davidson and Patricia Rogers discuss several ways to get sustainability on the evaluation agenda, even for projects that have no explicit environmental objectives and where there is no mention of
- In the last part of this three-part webinar series, Andy Rowe and Patricia Rogers introduce a typology being developed that will assist a wide range of evaluations in assessing the effect of interventions on natural systems and sustainability.
- This Footprint Evaluation Initiative report describes four 'thought experiments' undertaken as part of this project.
- This is a simple step by step guide to using The World Factbook to find the international environmental agreements a country has signed up to. This resource and the following information was contributed by Kaye Stevens.
- The key evaluation questions (KEQs) are designed to support the inclusion of environmental sustainability by embedding consideration of the environment in each evaluation question rather than adding environmental considerations as a standalone ques
- In collaboration with the Colombia Department of National Planning (DNP), the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) and the
- Las preguntas de evaluación clave (PECs) están diseñadas para apoyar la inclusión de la sostenibilidad ambiental al incorporar la consideración del medio ambiente en cada pregunta, en lugar de agregar consideraciones ambientales como una pregunta i
- This guidance from the Footprint Evaluation Initiative aims to support those doing or overseeing evaluations to include environmental sustainability in feasible and useful ways.
- This session, presented as part of the 2023 gLocal Evaluation Week, explored different approaches to effectively address ecosystems' health and just transition in evaluations.