Learning Lessons: Intense Climate-Related Natural Disasters in Asia and the Pacific

This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) synthesizes key lessons drawn from evaluations of projects and programs that have been funded by the ADB. It highlights the increased risk of natural disasters within the Asia region due to global warming and pinpoints the need for improved mitigation and adaptation to these events.  

"There is also evidence that the more frequent and intense impact of these weather-related disasters results from a confluence of three factors: the changing nature of the hazards, rising exposure of populations, and limited adaptive capacity in many countries. Disasters also seem to be taking a heavier toll on low- and lower-middle-income countries. In other words, exposure, sensitivity, and lack of adaptive capacity turn a hazard of nature into a natural disaster." (ADB 2012)


Independent Evaluation Department, Asian Development Bank. (2012). Learning Lessons: Intense Climate-Related Natural Disasters in Asia and the Pacific (April 2012). Retrieved from website: http://www.seachangecop.org/node/981

Via SEA Change