Roles and responsibilities

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Determine how decisions will be made on: the focus of the evaluation; choosing the evaluator / evaluation team; approving the evaluation design; approving evaluation report(s) and who can access the report(s) and data.

There are many decisions to be made in an evaluation. It is important to be clear about who will be involved in making these decisions, what their role will be and how the decisions will be made.

Always check if existing processes and structures can be used; if these are not appropriate or adequate, then new ones may need to be established for the purposes of the specific evaluation. Also consider any pre-established agreements such as, for example, partnership agreements.

Control of the evaluation process may be centralised in a dedicated manager or committee or it may be shared by a working group involving representatives from many different stakeholders. It is important to describe clearly each actor / entity's role to avoid confusion, duplication of effort or things falling through the cracks.


The following items are potential outputs from this step. Where possible, it might be useful to research other deliverables that have also been shown to be effective.

  • Evaluation management plan
  • Decision making matrix
  • List of responsibilities of the evaluation manager
  • List of responsibilities of the evaluator
  • Evaluation partnership agreement

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