It is important to consider the different types of capacities that are needed in different types of roles to plan, manage, undertake, and use M&E.
Roles might include program manager, program officer, M&E specialist, M&E advisor, evaluator, evaluation team leader, evaluation team member, performance analyst.
Read more
Global Evaluation Initiative (2022). MESA Guidance Note: Diagnostic Tool for a Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis. Retrieved from
Expand to view all resources related to 'Competencies'
- A précis of the evaluation competency literature
- AEA statement on cultural competence in evaluation
- AEA365: Laurie Stevahn and Jean King on Essential Competencies for Effective Qualitative Evaluators
- Competencies & credentials for development evaluators: update on an ideas initiative
- Competencies for development evaluation evaluators, managers, and commissioners
- Competencies for Canadian Evaluation Practice
- Credentialed evaluator competencies template
- Crosswalk of Evaluator and Evaluation Manager Competencies and Characteristics
- Evaluation Competencies for Evaluation Specialists
- Evaluation competency framework for government
- Evaluator competencies 2011
- Health Policy Project: Strengthening capacity in policy, advocacy, governance, and finance: A facilitator guide for organizational capacity assessments
- Key competencies for the monitoring function
- Professionalization of evaluation competency framework for evaluators
- United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Evaluation competency framework
This content section is currently under development and has been released in beta mode. We welcome any feedback or suggestions for additional resources and examples - please get in touch via the contact form!
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