Champions for M&E

Champions are individuals or entities who passionately advocate for, promote, and drive the cause of M&E within an organisation or government.

Their role is pivotal in fostering an M&E culture, ensuring its integration into processes, and encouraging its adoption at all levels. It can be useful to consider both political champions and technical champions.

While evaluation champions play an important role in initiating and maintaining interventions to strengthen national M&E systems, it is also important not to rely only on one champion, as their involvement or influence can decrease over time.


Using M&E To Improve Government Performance and Accountability: A Glance of 6 Countries' NES

“To build demand and support for national M&E systems, and ensure their successful implementation, countries need to have high level political and technical champions for M&E. Linking it throughout government and with stakeholders outside of government is also critical. In addition, a dedicated national department is needed, with the capacity to drive M&E. This is made easier if the department has status in government. In most countries this is the case, but in Ghana, for example, while there is a strong national technical champion in the form of the National Development Planning Commission, political will is emergent with a new untested ministry established after the recent elections. Niger, on the other hand, has a political champion in the Ministry of Planning and a parliamentary network for good governance, but has no technical champion and is the only country which does not have an M&E department in the office of the Prime Minister or Presidency.”

Source: Twende Mbele (2018) 

Global Evaluation Initiative (2022). MESA Guidance Note: Diagnostic Tool for a Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis. Retrieved from

Twende Mbele (2018) Using M&E To Improve Government Performance and Accountability: A Glance of 6 Countries' NES

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