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This report on lessons learned from the Twende Mbele program compares the experiences of six different countries – Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Niger, South Africa and Uganda and discusses issues relating to leadership and linkages, capacity, and quality and use of evaluation.
In the discussion of leadership and linkages, it distinguishes between political champions and technical champions and identifies whether there is a dedicated national department. It discusses institutionalisation In terms of whether there is specific legislation, national policy and an active VOPE (Voluntary Organisation for Professional Evaluation). In terms of capacity, it discusses the types of capacity needed, including skills and knowledge, numbers of people, and digital resources, strategies to improve capacity, including training and standards, and whether there is a formal capacity strengthening plan. It describes different types of incentives – such as providing resources such as part-funding evaluations and providing training, recognition through awards and invitations to present at conferences – and disincentives – such as evaluation findings being sent to Cabinet, Parliamentary Portfolio Committees and being made public, and management of evaluations by steering committees rather than the responsible department.
'Using M&E to improve government performance and accountability: A glance of 6 countries’ NES' is referenced in: