An internet questionnaire allows the collection of data through an electronic set of questions that are posted on the web.
Participants are invited to submit their answers usually in simple checkboxes or drop-down menus. However, text boxes can also be used to provide more detailed responses.
Advantages of internet questionnaires
- The elimination of postage, paper and data entry costs.
- Data is available almost immediately and can easily be imported into data analysis software.
- Skip patterns and question logic can be easily programmed into the questionnaire.
- It is simple to send reminders and follow-ups to participants.
- The cost of surveying additional respondents is minimised.
- It is convenient for respondents, who can complete the questionnaire at their leisure.
- Reduction of the interviewer effect on participants' responses.
Disadvantages of internet questionnaires
- Questions cannot be clarified and probed out as they could be in face to face or telephone questionnaires.
- Samples are limited to populations who have access to the internet.
- It can be difficult to convert initially unwilling participants to take part in the research, as online messages can be easily ignored or overlooked.
- Creating a questionnaire app requires some level of software knowledge, or the resources to hire a developer, to create the tool.
Archer, T. M. (2003). Web-based surveys. Journal of Extension, 41(4), Retrieved from
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'Internet questionnaire' is referenced in:
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