Legal and policy basis for M&E systems

The legal and policy basis refers to the formal legislative and policy frameworks that underpin the establishment, operation, and integration of M&E practices within government processes. These frameworks provide the official mandate for how M&E should be conducted and how its findings will be used in planning, budgeting, and policy-making.

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Questions to ask

The following questions draw from the GEI's MESA diagnostic assessment tool:

  • Where do custodians of the PBM&E systems derive the mandate to provide oversight and coordination of PBM&E at varying levels (for example, constitutions, laws, regulations, and executive powers, including policies)?

  • Is there a national monitoring and evaluation policy, a national monitoring policy, or a national evaluation policy?

  • Is there a regulation/agreement/long-term development agenda that obliges the government to communicate program results periodically, whether to the population, donors/agencies, for international obligations and/or between ministries?

  • Is there a legal requirement or regulation requiring the use of evidence in decision-making?

  • Is there national legislation or regulation for monitoring and/or national legislation or regulation for evaluations, or a national policy for monitoring and evaluation?

  • If there is a law, regulation, or policy on monitoring and/or evaluation, do they include references to links between:

    • (results) monitoring and planning?

    • (results) monitoring and the budgetary process?

    • (results) monitoring and decision-making in parliament (legislative)?

    • (results) monitoring and decision-making in higher levels of government (executive)?

    • (results) evaluation and planning?

    • (results) evaluation and the budgetary process?

    • results) evaluation and decision-making in parliament (legislative)?

    • (results) evaluation and decision-making in higher levels of government (executive)?

  • If there is a law, regulation, or policy on monitoring and/or evaluation, do they include references to:

    • The independence of the evaluation unit(s)?

    • The necessary resources and staff of the evaluation unit(s)?

    • Requirements or expectations regarding community consultation or engagement in M&E processes

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