This case study, prepared by Katerina Stolyarenko for the Parliamentary Forum for Development Evaluation outlines the process that was used to develop and implement a government-wide monitoring and evaluation system in South Africa.
"In 2005 the South African Government introduced a government-wide M&E policy framework. This framework served to establish the initial momentum for a structured approach to M&E, which gained added commitment after the national elections in May 2009.
A National Evaluation Policy Framework in South Africa is just three years old and is still evolving. The whole design of the evaluation system is utilization focused, seeking to build from a demand-driven system.
A number of institutions are involved in the implementation of the overall M&E system in South Africa including: The Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, located in the Presidency, National Treasury, the Department of Public Service and Administration, the Auditor-General, the Department of Cooperative Governance, Statistics SA and the Public Service Commission.
M&E is closely associated with the planning process in government. In addition to recent processes directed at affirming long-term plans for the country, South Africa has a five year overarching Medium Term Strategic Framework, five year departmental strategic plans and annual performance plans (APPs). National Treasury monitors quarterly reporting against APPs."
- Introduction 4
- Political, Economic and Development Context 4
- M&E Context 5
- Institutional setting of NEP in the South Africa 6
- NEP’s Focus and Purposes 6
- Legal and Policy Framework 6
- Institutional Arrangements 7
- M&E Tools, Components, Evaluation Methodologies and Quality of Data 9
- Professional Capacity for M&E 14
- Utilization of M&E 16
- Achievements and Challenges 17
- Good Practice(s) 18
- Conclusion 19
- Documents consulted 20
- Interviews held 20
Stolyarenko, K., (2014) National evaluation policy of South Africa, Parliamentary Forum for Development Evaluation. Retrieved from:
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