
  • BetterMonitoring draft framework - September 2021

    BetterEvaluation is working with UNICEF to try and improve our collective understanding and practice of the monitoring function. The BetterMonitoring initiative focuses on trying to elevate the monitoring function to make it more visible and to provide…
  • Network evaluation

    A network evaluation may consider a range of questions and adopt a variety of options for undertaking the evaluation depending on factors such as the type, size, stage of development and purpose of the network.
  • Complexity

    Complex ideas and methods have important applications for how we think about programs and policies, how we collect and analyse data, and how we report findings and support their use.
  • Feminist evaluation

    Feminist evaluation (FE) emphasizes participatory, empowering, and social justice agendas.
  • Gender Analysis

    Whether you are an evaluator or someone commissioning evaluation, any intervention to be evaluated that takes place within human society and involves human interactions will have gendered dimensions.
  • Evaluation and children

    Evaluating the impacts of programmes and policies on children presents particular challenges.  Many of these are complex and intersectoral, the impacts are often long-term, and children have particular vulnerabilities to harm.
  • Evaluation of agricultural projects and programs

    Any single agricultural project or program is necessarily part of a highly complex, interrelated system. To deliver utility and value, evaluation in the agricultural sector must take into account contextually sensitive issues.
  • Evaluating policy influence and advocacy

    Influencing and informing policy is the main aim for many development organisations. However, activities directed at policy change are, in general, very hard to monitor and evaluate.
  • Evaluating the performance of an organisation

    An organisational assessment is a systematic process for obtaining valid information about the performance of an organisation and the factors that affect performance. It differs from other types of evaluations because the assessment focuses on the…
  • Monitoring and evaluation to support adaptive management

    The term 'adaptive management' refers to adaptation that goes beyond the usual adaptation involved in good management - modifying plans in response to changes in circumstances or understanding, and using information to inform these decisions.
  • Evaluating humanitarian action

    Different types of evaluation are used in humanitarian action for different purposes, including rapid internal reviews to improve implementation in real time and discrete external evaluations intended to draw out lessons learned with the broader aim of…
  • Sustained and Emerging Impacts Evaluation (SEIE)

    Sustained and emerging impact evaluation (SEIE) evaluates the enduring results of an intervention some time after it has ended, or after a long period of implementation
  • Impact evaluation

    An impact evaluation provides information about the observed changes or 'impacts' produced by an intervention. These observed changes can be positive and negative, intended and unintended, direct and indirect.
  • Evaluating capacity development

    Unlike programs supporting health, livelihoods, and other impact areas, capacity development does not have stand-alone outcomes. Instead, capacity development supports a diverse set of goals in different sectors, at different levels, through different…
  • La planification et la gestion des évaluations de recherches sur le développement

    Le présent document est un guide interactif pour les personnes qui demandent des évaluations des projets de recherche sur le développement ou de la programmation.
  • Planning and managing evaluations of development research

    This guidance has been prepared for those commissioning evaluations of development research projects and programming.
  • Using technologies for monitoring and evaluation in insecure settings

    Operating in insecure environments is one of the more critical tests for humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding organizations alike. Access constraints or even direct attacks make monitoring and evaluation extremely challenging.
  • Monitoring and evaluation for impact investing

    Impact investment aims to create positive social change alongside financial returns, thereby creating blended value. Assessing the intended and actual blended value created is an important part of impact investing.
  • Causal pathways

    A causal pathways perspective on evaluation focuses on understanding how, why, and under what conditions change happens or has happened.
  • Evaluación de la huella ecológica

    La evaluación de la huella ecológica tiene por objeto incorporar la evaluación de la sostenibilidad ambiental en todas las evaluaciones (y en todos los sistemas de seguimiento), y no solo en aquellas que tienen objetivos ambientales explícitos.
  • Footprint evaluation

    Footprint evaluation aims to embed consideration of environmental sustainability in all evaluations and monitoring systems, not only those with explicit environmental objectives.
  • Evaluability assessment

    Evaluability assessment is an assessment of the extent to which an intervention can be evaluated in a reliable and credible fashion.
  • Monitoring

    Monitoring is a process to periodically collect, analyse and use information to actively manage performance, maximise positive impacts and minimise the risk of adverse impacts. It is an important part of effective management because it can provide early…
  • Key characteristics of FCV settings

    Fragile, conflict-affected, and violent (FCV) settings come with specific challenges for monitoring and evaluation (M&E), shaped by their instability and complexity.  Understanding how different factors—like political upheaval, soc
  • Challenges of doing M&E in FCV settings

    Monitoring and evaluation in fragile, conflict-affected, and violent settings face significant challenges across logistical, ethical, methodological, and political dimensions.
  • Overarching principles for M&E in FCV settings

    In fragile, conflict-affected, and violent contexts, monitoring and evaluation practices must be carefully adapted to manage the complexities and uncertainties of these environments while maintaining ethical standards and promoting positive
  • Overview of M&E in FCV settings

    Given the complexities and unique challenges of fragile, conflict-affected, and violent environments, understanding how monitoring and evaluation practices have evolved and how to adapt them is crucial.
  • Monitoring and evaluation in fragile, conflict-affected and violent (FCV) settings

    Monitoring and evaluation in Fragile, Conflict-affected, and Violent settings refers to monitoring and evaluation practices in environments where the social, political, and economic systems are unstable and there is an ongoing or recent history of…