Evaluation and children
Evaluating the impacts of programmes and policies on children presents particular challenges. Many of these are complex and intersectoral, the impacts are often long-term, and children have particular vulnerabilities to harm.
This page provides some links to a growing set of resources and networks to support this work. It includes information about evaluation for children - processes and measures for gathering and reporting data on behalf of children. It includes information on evaluation with children - engaging them in the process of gathering and interpreting data. And it includes information on evaluation by children - where children are engaged in the decision making about the evaluation and in using the findings from the evaluation.
Children and Evaluation: A webinar from BetterEvaluation and Community of Evaluators
This paper details the evaluation of a Life Skills programme implemented by Family Health International (FHI 360), India. The evaluator and author, Sonal Zaveri, describes the evaluation process used to determine how the programme had changed (or not) the lives of children who were infected, orphaned, affected or vulnerable to HIV
This guide, written by Sara Gibbs, Gillian Mann and Nicola Mathers, outlines the Child-to-Child (CtC) approach to health and community development that is led by children. It describes the step-by-step process for implementing CtC and includes a range of tools and techniques for evaluation.
This tool kit, developed by Save the Children Norway, provides a range of methods and tools that can be used by groups who work with children to encourage participation in research and evaluation. While developed for conflict, post conflict and peace building situations, these child friendly tools can be applied and adapted to any context.
In Cambodia, Zimbabwe and Kenya: This series of three reports presents the results of three child-led evaluations of a multi-sectoral programme seeking to empower adolescent girls and address the challenges they face accessing quality education. The reports describe the process by which children beneficiaries of the programme selected evaluation questions, collected and analysed data in order to deliver an assessment of the programme’s results, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, relevance and equity.
Further Resources
- Child-to-Child
Child-to-Child is an international network which works to promote children’s participation in health and education. Their website has a range of resources, many of which can be freely downloaded.
- Child Rights International Network (CRIN)
CRIN is an international children’s rights network campaigning for a change in the way children are viewed by government and society. Their website includes links to a range of resources and events related to child advocacy and rights.
- Plan International
An international development organisation which aims to promote and protect the rights of children around the world. Their website provides a range of freely downloadable guides focused on working with children.
- Save the Children
An international organisation which works to improve the lives of children through improved health, education and security. Their website provides a range of freely downloadable resources which include issue briefs, research and guides.
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