
  • Welcome to BetterEvaluation

  • News

  • BetterEvaluation em Português

    A visão da BetterEvaluation é de um mundo com melhor avaliação, melhores decisões e melhores resultados para as pessoas e o planeta.
  • Communication for development (C4D) project

    About the Evaluating C4D Resource Hub The Evaluating C4D Resource Hub has been developed as part of a research partnership with RMIT University, the University of Hyderabad and UNICEF Communication for Development (C4D).
  • Get involved in Footprint Evaluation

    Yes! Sign me up to the Footprint Evaluation newsletter.  
  • NSW government evaluation toolkit project

    This web-based toolkit has been developed to help program managers in New South Wales (Australia) government agencies manage evaluations including those undertaken by internal or external evaluators, or by a combination of both. 
  • BetterEvaluation en Español

    BetterEvaluation visualiza un mundo en que hay mejores evaluaciones, mejores decisiones y mejores resultados para las personas y el planeta.
  • BetterEvaluation en français

    BetterEvaluation a pour but d’améliorer les démarches d'évaluation en vue de prendre de meilleures décisions et d’obtenir de meilleurs résultats, au profit des populations et de la planète.
  • التقييم الأفضل باللغة العربية

    رؤية منظمة التقييم الأفضل هي تحقيق عالم يشهد تقييما أفضل وقرارات أفضل ونتائج أفضل من أجل الناس والكوكب.
  • BetterEvaluation 中文

    BetterEvaluation网站的愿景是为人类和地球提供更高效的评估、决策以及更完美的成果。 BetterEvaluation与全球社区合作,致力于分享、创造知识,并支持人们使用有关评估的知识。其中包括有关评估规划、管理、实施和使用的知识。
  • Русский

    Видение BetterEvaluation - это мир более качественной оценки, более эффективных решений и лучших результатов для людей и планеты.
  • BetterEvaluation auf Deutsch

    BetterEvaluation hat sich das Ziel gesetzt, im Interesse von Mensch und Umwelt zur Verbesserung von Evaluations- und Entscheidungsprozessen beizutragen.
  • BetterEvaluation's approach to capacity strengthening

    We believe it is important to take a principles-based and systems approach to capacity strengthening. 
  • What is evaluation?

    There are many different ways that people use the term 'evaluation'.  At BetterEvaluation, when we talk about evaluation, we mean:
  • Using BetterEvaluation Material

    BetterEvaluation resources can be easily adapted to help support evaluation training, from structuring coursework to creating organisation-specific materials.  
  • Terms of Use

    This website (the "Site") is operated by BetterEvaluation (we, our or us). BetterEvaluation is part of the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), which is hosted by the World Bank.
  • Contribute a blog to BetterEvaluation

    We welcome guest posts that provide new perspectives or new information about particular issues in evaluation.
  • Newsletter

  • Our history

    BetterEvaluation began in 2009 as an interdisciplinary public good project that aimed to provide high-quality information about the full range of evaluation methodologies.
  • Themes

  • Our theory of change

    BetterEvaluation works to produce significant improvements in evaluation. We focus on two key areas to achieve this:
  • Footprint evaluation project

    The Footprint Evaluation project is a co-creation a
  • Manager's guide to evaluation project

    While there are many guidelines and tools to support those conducting evaluations, there are far fewer resources specifically focused on commissioners and managers of evaluation. 
  • Writeshop cases project

    BetterEvaluation's writeshop series is a collection of case studies written by evaluation practitioners and in some cases evaluation commissioners and managers,  discussing a particular evaluation, the issues it addressed and the possi
  • Adaptive management project

    While focused especially on international development, this series is relevant to wider areas of public good activity, especially in a time of global pandemic, uncertainty and an increasing need for adaptive management.
  • The Rainbow Framework project

    The Rainbow Framework was created to make it easy to learn about the different evaluation methods and processes that can be used to undertake each evaluation task, and to develop a better understanding of when t
  • UNICEF Impact Evaluation Project

    In development, government and philanthropy, there is increasing recognition of the potential value of impact evaluation and specific support to develop capacity for both commissioning and conducting impact evaluation, including the use of its findings.
  • Website help

    Finding content How can I find a specific evaluation method? All the evaluation methods currently on the BetterEvaluation website are in the
  • Evaluation frameworks and guides

    Each framework contains evaluation methods, processes and principles organised into logical tasks, as well as guidance to help you make appropriate choices for your circumstances.  
  • Thanks for your feedback

    We'll have a look at this and get back to you (if required).   Regards BetterEvaluation
  • Global Directory of Academic Programs in Evaluation – Objective and methodology

    The first-ever global directory of academic training programs in evaluation was developed through a collaborative effort between doctorate research of the Claremont Graduate University/ School of Soci
  • Resource collections
