
  • Developmental evaluation: Diagnostic checklist

    This checklist aims to help users assess whether Developmental Evaluation is a good fit for your situation.
  • Fishbone diagram (cause and effect diagram)

    This short guide describes the process of using a fishbone diagram to help uncover and visualise stakeholder perceptions of the root causes of a problem. It is often used in conjunction with the 'Five Whys' technique.
  • The developmental evaluation institute

    The Developmental Evaluation Institute (DEI) website aims to provide pathways for new, emerging, and mid-career evaluators to develop skills in Developmental Evaluation for social justice.
  • Dealing with complexity in development evaluation - A practical approach

    This book offers practical guidance to policymakers, managers, and evaluation practitioners on how to design and implement complexity-responsive evaluations that can be undertaken in the real world of time, budget, data, and political const
  • Developmental evaluation: Perspectives from an internal vs. external evaluator

    This is a podcast that offers an overview of the Developmental Evaluation approach according to the perspectives of an internal and an external evaluator.
  • Logframe

    Logframes are a systematic, visual approach to designing, executing and assessing projects which encourages users to consider the relationships between available resources, planned activities, and desired changes or results.
  • A summary of the theory behind the LFA method

    This paper from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has been designed to support staff in implementing the logical framework approach in project planning and design.
  • Budgeting for developmental evaluation (DE)

    An interview with internationally recognised evaluation expert Michael Quinn Patton by Heather Britt for BetterEvaluation, April 2012.  
  • A practitioner's guide to developmental evaluation

    This guidebook from J.W. McConnell Family Foundation and the International Institute for Child Rights and Development explores key aspects of Developmental Evaluation (DE).
  • A developmental evaluation primer

    This primer guide from The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation outlines the basic principles of Developmental Evaluation and provides a range of tools to support its implementation.