
  • Enhancing evaluation use: Insights from internal evaluation units

    This book, co-edited by Marlène Läubli Loud and John Mayne, offers invaluable insights from real evaluators who share strategies they have adopted through their own experiences in evaluation.
  • How do we use advisory groups effectively in evaluation?

    This guest blog by Marlène Läubli Loud aims to start a discussion about what advisory group practices work well in what situations.
  • Six Thinking Hats

    This webpage from De Bono Consulting provides an overview of the six thinking hats and includes a range of free resources including guides and videos.
  • Six thinking hats

    The Six Thinking Hats method encourages participants to cycle through six different ways of thinking, using the metaphor of wearing different conceptual “hats”.
  • Using the context, input, process, and product evaluation model (CIPP) as a comprehensive framework

    This Journal article, in the context of education, provides an overview of what the CIPP model is, in which circumstances it is useful, and finally provides a practical example of how the model was used.
  • CIPP evaluation model checklist

    Stufflebeam provides an explanation of what CIPP is, and a checklist designed to help evaluators evaluate programs with relatively long-term goals.
  • Evaluation advisory groups

    This journal from the American Evaluation Association (AEA) provides a detailed overview of Evaluation Advisory Groups with chapters devoted to the roles of groups in a variety of evaluation scenarios.
  • Advisory group

    An advisory group can be established to provide advice on an individual evaluation, a series of evaluations, or the evaluation function within an organization.